Dental surgery Gliwice

All procedures are performed under local anaesthesia

Dental surgery is an area where it is used to remove damaged tissue, extract teeth and carry out implant procedures.

It all starts with a thorough diagnosis. Our team of experts at Galeria Uśmiechu Gliwice, equipped with the most modern equipment, guarantees comfort and comprehensive care. There is no need to be afraid of pain. Find out more about our treatments and their goals.

Surgical treatment in dentistry - how to prepare for the procedure?

Before you sit in the chair and receive an anaesthetic, our dentist needs to know exactly what your condition and needs are before the procedure. Accurate diagnosis plays a very important role in dental surgery. In our clinic in Gliwice, the preparation process for such procedures is carried out in several stages.

Medical history


When you first come to our dental surgery in Gliwice, we will ask you a number of detailed questions about your symptoms, how long you have been suffering from them and your dental treatment history. The more detailed the information you provide, the quicker we can tailor our approach to your dental condition and health.

Dental examinations

A precise picture can be obtained thanks to the specialised tools and high-tech equipment available at our centre. Our team is able to quickly verify initial assumptions and gain an accurate understanding of the severity and nature of the patient's dental problems.

Development of a treatment plan

Before the dental surgery specialists start action, they will consult other doctors from the team. You will receive all the necessary information before the procedure. If you have even the slightest doubt, just ask. You will receive detailed explanations and learn about possible scenarios of further events.

Dental surgery procedures at the Galeria Uśmiechu Gliwice

Our patients can be assured that we provide accurate, safe and long-lasting solutions to their dental and oral problems. We are able to carry out the most complex procedures and multi-stage treatments. Thanks to our qualified staff and advanced equipment, we are able to deal comprehensively with virtually any case.

Tooth resection

Resection is an alternative to root canal treatment in cases where endodontic treatment is not possible or advisable. It is most commonly performed on an infected root tip. With professional dental surgery, there is a chance of saving and then restoring the affected tooth.

Extraction - pulling and other methods of tooth removal

It is hard to believe, but tooth extraction can be painless for the patient. At Galeria Uśmiechu in Gliwice we are able to ensure maximum comfort during this procedure. After tooth extraction, implant treatment and bone reconstruction are often necessary.

Wisdom teeth removal - extraction of wisdom teeth

Eights often cause problems because they erupt at the end of the dental arch. This can lead to serious complications, such as pressure on other teeth or crookedness. Removing wisdom teeth may require an incision in the gum and removal of part of the alveolar process.

Gum dental surgery

Dental surgery also includes the removal of gum hoods and the incision of abscesses, which is extremely important when gum hoods prevent teeth from breaking through or when the accumulation of pus poses a health risk to the patient. Proper procedures prevent serious risks.

Frenulum plasty

Oral surgery frenum plication is a useful solution to the abnormal connection between the tissues of the tongue and lips and the alveolar process. This procedure can help solve dental problems, including some speech problems and crooked teeth.


Orthognathic surgery is a branch of dentistry that focuses on correcting anatomical defects that cannot be corrected by orthodontics or prosthodontics. Orthognathic procedures aim to change the shape and position of the bones in the face. At Galeria Uśmiechu we take great care to ensure safety during these procedures.

Bone reconstruction

Bone loss can be caused, for example, by long-term untreated missing teeth. Modern dental surgery allows for complete reconstruction and effective treatment.

Podcięcie wędzidełka wargi górnej – czy boli? Poznaj fakty o zabiegu 

To częste pytanie osób, które mają zaplanowany zabieg podcięcia wędzidełka wargi górnej – czy boli? W tym artykule omówimy zalety i wady tej procedury, aby pomóc ci lepiej zrozumieć, na czym polega i jakie mogą być konsekwencje. Zapamiętaj Czym wędzidełko wargi górnej? Jak wygląda podcięcie wędzidełka wargi górnej? Czy boli? Na te pytania odpowiemy później. […]


Odbudowa kości – najlepsze sposoby

Odbudowa kości szczęki może okazać się niezbędna, kiedy pacjent decyduje się na implanty zębów lub chce dobrze dopasować protezę. Nasze centrum stomatologiczne ma w swojej ofercie zabiegi rekonstrukcyjne, a zajmują się nimi najlepsi specjaliści w dziedzinie chirurgii stomatologicznej. Sprawdź, co jest przesłanką do ich wykonania.


Usuwanie ósemek – kiedy jest konieczne?

W centrum stomatologicznym Galeria Uśmiechu pacjenci są otoczeni opieką najlepszych specjalistów. Usuwanie ósemek dla wielu osób wiąże się z obawami, dlatego wcześniej zawsze przeprowadzamy wnikliwą konsultację. Jeśli czeka cię usuwanie zębów mądrości, sprawdź, jak wygląda w naszym centrum stomatologicznym!


Our doctors

You are welcome to consult with our dental surgeons. At our Nowy Sącz facility, we provide full professionalism and comprehensive, expert care for children, adults and seniors!

Agnieszka Stempniewicz

Dental surgery

Price list

tooth extractionfrom 290 PLN
extraction of a retained toothfrom 650 PLN
implantsfrom 3200 PLN

Do you need oral surgical treatment?

Schedule a consultation.

Obawiasz się o koszty zabiegu?

W Galerii Uśmiechu płatność za leczenie stomatologiczne możesz rozłożyć na dogodne raty. Szczegółowe informacje na ten temat uzyskasz w naszej recepcji.

