First visit

How to prepare for the first visit?

A short guide for the patient.

At Smile Gallery, we care about patient comfort and safety from the very first appointment. Visits are conducted in a friendly, trusting atmosphere and with an understanding of any concerns about treatment. We will show you that it does not have to involve stress, fear or pain.

During the first appointment, the dentist focuses on diagnosis – checking if and what treatments are needed. To do this, he or she will examine the oral cavity and ask a few questions. If you have any documentation from previous dental treatment, bring it with you.

Before your first visit, you should also complete a health questionnaireso that your doctor can plan and guide your treatment accordingly. You can download it below or take it from the facility reception.

Jeśli wpadasz do dentysty na „ostatnią chwilę”

Bezpośrednio przed wizytą pacjenci mogą także skorzystać z jednorazowych szczoteczek do zębów i pasty, które czekają na nich w toalecie.

Do you have any additional questions?

Email or call us.
