Implantology Kraków

Replacement of missing teeth with implants

Implant treatment allows you to enjoy a broad smile again, freedom and ease of eating, clear pronunciation and former self-confidence in everyday situations. Implants solve many prosthetic problems – from filling a single cavity to treating toothlessness. These are components made of titanium, placed in the jawbone. The outer part of the implants are crowns made of porcelain. Their shape and colour are perfectly matched to the natural teeth.

Why is it worth it?

In dentistry, dental implants are the best available method for replacing missing teeth.

It restores smile aesthetics

The crown has exactly the same shade as the patient's natural teeth, thanks to which it does not stand out visually from the rest of the teeth.

Permanently improves chewing comfort

In as many as 98% of patients, the implants are permanently integrated with the bone, without causing any problems in later use - while eating or speaking.

It prevents facial deformation

Implant treatment prevents bone loss at the site of tooth loss, and thus facial deformation. The implants' feature is a perfect fit to the dental arch.

Regain your former comfort and self-confidence after losing your natural teeth

Implantological procedures require proper preparation, faultless performance and comprehensive post-treatment care - in the Smile Gallery all this is waiting for you.

We will restore your teeth permanently, aesthetically and safely, restoring the comfort of your everyday life.
Our implantology team consists of outstanding specialists who have honed their skills at prestigious institutions and research centres – also outside Poland. With us, you have the confidence that you are in good hands.

A sure result

Thanks to the use of the latest achievements of digital technology, we are able to predict the results of the procedure. We use an intraoral scanner which allows us to visualise the dentition in detail and thus accurately plan the treatment process.

Full safety

At Smile Gallery, we only work with proven, top-quality materials that offer a safety guarantee. The implants are made of biocompatible titanium, which works well with the human body. Once implanted and properly cared for, they will serve you permanently.

Our implantologists

At Smile Gallery, we provide comprehensive dental care for children, adults and seniors.

Tomasz Rozwadowski

Digital Smile Design Specialist

Emil Sułek

Oral surgery
Endodontic microsurgery

Sergiusz Połuchtowicz-Hański

Oral Surgery

Robert Łyszczarz

Oral Surgery

Damian Niedzielski

Oral Surgery

Michał Tyrakowski

Oral Surgery

How long does implant treatment take?

Once implanted, the implant needs three to six months to integrate completely into the bone.

During this period, follow-up visits with an implantologist who will monitor the healing process are important.

Price list

tooth extractionfrom 320 PLN
extraction of a retained toothfrom 520 PLN
implantsfrom 3,500 PLN

Enjoy a full smile at any age!

Schedule a consultation and see if you qualify for treatment.

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